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hearing of the word, &c. but we have reafon to charge ourfelves with much guilt, as to our little ferious going about this particular duty, to be dumb and filent, and to go with a flopped mouth before God. Is there any that can fay, I have been clean in this matter ? A $d evi- dence may be taken from the fad effe&s, that in our way follow the negle& or overly performance of this duty ; which when found, they may let us know, and convince_ Sus, that it is either much flighted, or quite negle &ed : And, III, We would ask you, How many are acquain- ted with, and Peen in their own fouls condition, or could on diffin& grounds, as having examined and tried their heart and way, pafs fentence upon their cafe, and fay, Thus and thus it is with me ? And, if ye be unacquainted with your own cafe, does not that fay undeniably, that ye walk by guefs, as it were, and not according to this rule ? 2dly, What means the exceeding great fecurity, prefumption, and fell conceit, that many are in, and under, concerning themfelves, and their way ? which not flowing from a well-grounded perfwafion of the ffraightnefs thereof, muff it not necefïarily flow from their negle& of this felf -refle&ion and trial ? And whence, I pray, is it, that there is fo little repentance for fin ? Is it hecaufe there is no fin, nor ground of quarrel ? No certainly : It muff therefore be from mens not reviewing of, and refle &ing on themfelves and their way, that they may find it out ; which plainly lays, that this evil is predominant. idly, Look to the abound- ing of fin, to the little growth of mortification, to the livelinefs of lulls, to the room that idols have in the heart, and its gad ing after them ; will not thefe declare, that molt perfons but very feldom bring themfelves before the tribunal of their Confcience ? otherwife lulls durff not fit up their heads, as they do ; this king would fcatter away all evils with his eyes ; and men would not have fuch delight in them, if they were often arraigning them at this bar ? 4thly, What means the little folid peace and rejoycing in God, that molt profeffors have, and their living in fuch a flu &uating and conje&urat way? Is it not from this, that they do not examine, and put to the trial, the grounds of their peace and joy ? Now