0n 2 Cor. I. 72. 244 they ye, will or not ? or, do ye think, becaufe ye have no remembrance of your faults, that your forgetting of them now, will blot them out of your Confciences regi_ iter ? or rather fhould ye not judge yourfelves, that ye may not be judged ? according to the apoftle's word, I Cor. II. 31. And, on the contrary, fhould ye not think, that, it ye do not judge yourfelves, ye will moft certainly be judged ? 4thiy, I would ask you, Is it not better to put your Confciences to (peak in time, when things may be righted and amended, than to let them ly over, and 1leep, till they be paff remedy ? O when will ye confider, and lay to heart, what trouble, ter- ror and confufion reaeheth, and taketh hold on the Confciences of many at death, and will do fo much more at the day of judgment ! and if it were not much better in time to try things, and find out what is right, and what is wrong, that Confcience may not have a juff ground of challenge againft you in that day, and may not have it to fay to you, Ye never owned me, when ye was living in the world : and now I will read to your a fearful indi &meat and dittay, that bath flood long on record againff you : And upon this arifes the hor- ror and gnawing worm that never dies ; hence is the fire blown that never is quenched : All which (I fay) flow from Confcience, reprefenting to men and women in a moft formidable manner their way, which before they would never believe, nor once ferioufly put the matter to the trial, whether it would do fo or not. In further profecution of this ufe, and to make that the more plain, which we would mainly be at in it, we (hall, 1. Speak a little to feveral forts of perlons, who, we fuppofe, are guilty of the negle& of this duty. 2. A little to'the evils that follow and flow from the guilt of this negle&. 3. To the caufes of their continuing in this finful negle &. 4. A little to what may dire& to- wards the facilitating and making eafy the pra&ice of this duty, and to the making of it profitable and ufeful. For the tfi of there, viz. the feveral forts of per - Ions that are guilty of the utter negle& of the duty, or of much fort- coming, and overlinefs in performing it 5 q, Icy