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on Corinthians r. 144 Raid open, made naked and bare, at the bar of Confci- ence. A 5th fort may come fome length in the du,t,,y but they follow not the work till they be fuitably affe -. &ed, humbled, and made ferious ; much lets till the dui ty be made delightfom to them, till it fix an imprefl"i-. on of the majefty of God on them, and lay a neceflity, on them to imploy Chrift more; but it is with them in this .matter, as yamei fpeaketh, chap. is of .;thefe3 who beholding their natural face in a glafs, go they way, a;. ° forget what manner of perfons they are : The fruit or their fa-examination is either not attained, or it hath little or no impreflion on them ; and this is it which maketh men not to be in love with the duty, becaufe they follow it not till they get fomewhat of the lovely fruit of it: And here many, even believers, are as to feveral degrees guilty. A 5th fort are alto here reprov- able, who, tho'. they come a little further, to look on their way; and to delire Confcience its fenfe thereof, and to be affe &ed with what they find in the fearch ; yet . they feek not to be diftin& and throughly clear in the mat- ter ; neither are they impartial, in jetting about to dif- cover every thing that is wrong in their condition But fome come to look and fee what is right, to ftrengthen (on the matter at leaf° their fecurity ; others come to fee what is wrong (which is fomewhat indeed pre.. 'terable to the other) to ftrengthen their unbelief, or misbelieving jealoufies of themfelves, and fo make ik {a fart of penance to themfelves, as if they were putting' themfelves on the rack; whereas an impartial fearch . and examination of our way (which is the thing called for) fets us on ferioufly to difcover what is right, and what is wrong in our condition, and accordingly to takei and be affeted with it : But there is fcarce any one or other, but one way or other they fail, and are more or lefs guir'tyin this matter; which would put all, according tó their refpe &ive guilt, to be humbled before the Lord; to feek his pardon, and grace to amend, , That we may be brought to lothe the . negle& ana. overly performance of this duty;. I lha11, in the d place, name fame evils that it brings with it, and that in there four rcfpeds ; 1. As it evidences, and fpeaks z of