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344 4Y rmon 3. out a very untender frame; for, if it evidence a tender frame to be exa& in this duty, then it certainly fpeaks out an untender frame to negle& it, or to be fuperficial in it ; and where the neglect, or fuperficiarinefs are ha_ bitual and regnant, they are shrewd evidences of an evil (late : The utter negle& of it fays, i . That fuch a man cares not for God, and flands not in aw of him ; that he cares not whether God be well pleafed, or evil pleafed, when he will not fo much as refle& and fee if there be an enemy to God within him. 2. It fpeaks out little refpe& to Confcience, and lays, That men care not whether Confcience be for them or against them ; yea, it Pays, that they think on the matter at ieaft,that 'tis an ufelefs thing to have a Confcience : And, can he poflîbly be a tender man, that is not tender in refpe& to his Confcience ? 3. It fpeaks forth a man not to be in love with holinefs; for, if fell - examination be a notable mean to promove holinefs, and if none with- out it can be holy ; if there can be no repentance for fn, no mortification, &c. without it ; then lure the man that neglects ir, cares not for holinefs ; it evidences a man to be void of religion, fearlefs of judgment, and carelefs whether his debt be paid or nor, when he will not fo much as fearch out what he is owing. 2dly, We may confider the negle& of this duty as it is exceedingly obffru&ive to the great fpiritual good... and advantage that a man fhould aim at, in the morti- fication of fin, and lively performance of duties, viz.. to obtain folid peace and communion with God, and to have any meafure of difcerning or fpiritual feeling thereof: And can any of thefe be win at without this ? Can ye pray ferioufly ? can ye repent ? can ye mortify fn? can ye praife God, or delight in him, who have not been refle&ing to find out fin to repent for, nor con - fidering whether there be any grace in you, for which ye would be thankful ? And for fpiritual joy, can a man poffibly have it, if he know not how it hands with him before God ? And a man can never know how it ffands betwixt God and him, till he be in fome meafure clear how it flands with him before his Confcience, or be- twixt him and his Confcience 3d )`a