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on . Cor. r, i a; 241 dly, Confider further the evil of this negle &, in re- fpe& of its finfulnefs in itfelf: And indeed, it is exceeding fnful, as its negle& of clear duty and a breach of a clear command ; yea, as its the negle& of a notable mean for the fuitable performance of all other duties ; fo that, wherever prayer, repentance, hearing, reading, &c. is commanded, this is alfó on the matter command- ed : And as many duties as are commanded, of as many *breaches of thefe commands are we guilty, when this du- ty is negle&ed ; confidering, that, whenever we are com -. r,landed to do any duty, we are commanded alto to ufe all the means that may further us towards the fuitable per- formance thereof: And this being a fpecial mean requifite to the right performance of every duty, it is therefore com- manded in every other commanded duty. We may in- fiance it in the obfervation of the Lord's day, this helps a man to be in it aright, it goes along with him in all the duties of the day ; and, when 'tis over and by, it helps him to difcover his failings and fhorr-comings ; and his a&ings of grace (where it is) and fpiritual attainments in thefe duties ; and to be accordingly affe&ed : And the negle& of it is a breach of the Lord's day, both before and af- ter, and in the time of publick, or private, or ferret duties of worfhip, called for on that day ; and fo proportionably in other duties. 4thly, We may look upon it., in refpe& of its being a nurfery of all forts of evils ; it harbours and entertains luf}s; it hardens the heart, ffrengthens fecurity ; it the rilheth hypocrify ; it brings on formality and impeni- tence ; it (as it were) locks up in prefumption, and carnal confidence ; it wears men out from under the awe of God, and from under all due refpe& to Confci- ence: The man that makes Confcience of felt examina- tion will be afraid of a challenge ; but he that ores not, and cares not, to examine himfelf, pulls (as it were) the bridle out of his own head, runs at random, gives him - felf up, and lays himfelf open to every in and tempta- tion, without fear of challenges. And, if ye will look well about you, and obferve narrowly ; will ye not find, that the man that rufheth impetuoufly into a courfè of ffná as the boric rutheth into the battle, is very readily Q 3