h T efé are like to the builder f a houle, who ridded) vp ftones without fquare and rule, and without morter, which poffibly falleth and cometh down ere he come at the top of it. A foolifh hafte to be forward, makes our work in religion to be oftentimes very unfolid : Alas ! it is not what bulk we have, nor how loon we come to have it, but what folidity and fickernefs we have, that will give us peace, comfort or joy : Our common pro- verb holds true-here, That work or thing that is well done, is loon done. A 4th caufe may be, (which aifo refpe &s even believers) that we are difpofed to think, if we be always about force duty, it matters not fo much what duty it be : And hence it often cometh to pats, that the time that Mould be fpent in felf- examination, we fpend it in prayer, reading or conference ; which readily go the worfe with us, that examination is fo much negle- i`Ied : Therefore there would be warrinefs and circum- fpe &ion here, becaufe that which giveth peace is not fo much to be much in duty, as it is to be in the duty that we are called to for the time, there being a linking of duties to another in a Chriftian walk (as fò many jew- els, precious (tones, or pearls in a chain, neck -lace or bracelet) fo as they ftrengthen and help one another ; meditation helps prayer, and prayer felf- examination, and felf-examination helps prayer, and every other du- ty; and that which beautifies and adorns the chain of a tender Chriffian walk, is the ordering and letting of eve ry duty in its own place, every thing being beautiful in its own feafon and place : Thus the bleffed man is Paid, Pia /. I . to bring forth his fruit in his feafon. In the 4th place (according to the method propofed) we would very briefly give you a few (Orations, for faci Eating the pra &ice of this duty, and for making it fuc- cesful and profitable : And, to this purpofe, i. Learn to make Confcience of all the pieces and fleps of your way, and this will give you the better heart to look back on it : If Çhtiftians were tender in their walk, it, would ,Dread cafe to them in this duty, in two refpe&s, ill, It would make it Tweet and refrefhing, not having an evil and challenging Confcience to meet with. 2dly, It would kavefòtme layout y imprehion of the duty upon them, which 4ar