- 'J {i/ II6V /4 force other thing, not then neceffary, breaks in to divert and draw us away from it, we would take ourfelves again and again, and endeavour to bring our hearts back, and up to the duty, that they get not leave to break look : For, if the heart get a cuffom of gading, and admitting of diverfions, it will never readily fuffer us to be ferions in this duty ; and therefore, by all means, when ye go about this duty of felf- examination, beware of, and guard againff, the intrufion of other thoughts, whether they be vain, or thoughts of things that may be at another time profitable, but at that time impertinent. 6. In your re- view of your condition, or in your felf_examinarion, en- deavour to find out and acknowledge the good as well as the evil that is in it, and to find out the evil as well as the good, and to be anfwerably of e &ed with joy and thankfgiving for that which is good, and with grief and forrow for that which is evil. 7. Endeavour to have your felf-examination always in the clofe of ir, leaving force kindly imprefl'ion of your own finfulnefs and unworthi- nefs, and of the neceffity, ufefulnefs and worth of God's grace on you, and laying and leaving you at Chrifi's feet for a remedy of every thing amifs in your condition. This is the great (cope and deign of this duty, and of all we have difcourfed on it, even to fend us to Chriff and this íhould be the effe& of it, to leave us on him, which would make the exercife of it heartfom, pleafant and profitable to us. SERMON IV. 2 Cor. r. 12. For our rejoicing is this, the tef i- m0ny of our Confcience, that in f mplicity and godly f ncerity, not with f efhly wifdom, but by the grace of God, we have bad our converfation in the world, and more abundantly to voit- wards. HERE is hardly any thing excellent, and very, fingularly profitable to men but it hath forne more than