072 2 Lon z: z 3. 25; of all things ; yet he had folid peace and joy on this ground, that, when he looked back on his way in the difcharge of his miniftry, his Confcience bear him witnefs, that he had been Tingle and faithful therein. And, as it was thus with Paul, fo it bath been with many of the Lord's people, who have humbly boafted and rejoiced in this teftimony of their Confcience within, when men have fpoken evil of them, reproached and reviled them without. For further clearing of this point, we would confider a little, z. Some particular cafes, wherein this teftimo- ny of Confcience proves in a fpecial manner refreshing; and rejoicing. z. We would confider the particular grounds and attendants of this refreshing and joy ; whereby we will eafily fee, that this teftimony of Confci- ence for a man, upon the fearch of his way, is a fingular- ly good thing : For, before a man fearch his way, he cannot folidly acquiefce in the teftimony that Confcience gives of it, nor can look on it as well grounded ; becaufe he is not, nor can be, fure whether there be any ground and warrant for it, or not : Whereas, when he hath fuitably fearched for the ground and warrant, where they are, they will readily dífcover themfelves to him. As to the particular Cafes, wherein this teftimony proves fingularly refreshing and joyous, they are thefe, and the like ; I. In a cafe of external croffes and troubles in the world ; none of thefe much move a man that hath this teftimony of his Confcience, it gives him fweet peace amidft them all : We fee what mighty troubles Paul was under, Chap. z i. z5, z6, 27. yet he can and loth re- joice in the midft of them. z. When external croffes and loffes have fad aggravations attending them, fuch as the contempt and reproach of the men of the world ; when he is calumnioufly reprefented, as one that turns the world upfide down, and who is defervedly fo dealt with, Confcience its teftimony in that cafe gives him peace, quietnefs and joy ; which is the very cafe wherein the apoftle here rejoiceth on this account. A 3d Cafe is, When inward challenges and temptations accompany outward afliiEtions, when thefe are muttered up before, and make, an affa ilt upon the poor afited man, and when