2 54 Sermon 4. when there are forne fearful apprehenfions of God's dif- pleafure born in upon him ; then, p! then,' Confrience's teftimony gives wonderful quietnefs ; as we may fee it doth to holy rob, who faith, in this cafe, Chap. 27.6. illy heart Jhall not reproach me fo long as I live ; fo, chap. 31. throughout ; And fure it muff be fold and well - grounded quietnefs, reft and repofe of foul, that calms man in this cafe. 4. When the perfon draws near unto death, and when this king of terrors formidably mutters all his forces, and when there is no efcaping out of his hand, and when all comforts fail, and land by as fo ma- ny mutes, not having one word CO fay for the dying man's relief or eafe, this teftimony doth then readily come forth in its ftrength,` toward the quieting, refreshing and re- joicing of his heart, and makes him boldly, and with- out flavith fear, encounter death ; as the experience of Hezekiab, and many other of the faints recorded in the fcriptures, maketh clear. 2dly, Confider whence this joy cornes, or the grounds and attendants of the joy which this teftimony yields, which are fourfold I. It hath with it inward quietnefs, ftrength and comfort ; the well -grounded approving teftimony of the Confcience, calms the heart amidft all forms of outward troubles, or of' inward challenges and tentations, and puts them all to filence ; it Both for -,1 tify the heart to bear out, in whatever trial it proves not only comfortable in the: holding off challenges, but hath a joy and refreshing, flowing immediately from the very teftimony itfelf, even a fingularly fweet joy, that flourishes, and flows over and above thefe, and keeps the heart in a calm ferenity ; the peace of God (faith the apoftle, nil. 4. 7 .) Jhall guard your hearts and minds, throub Christ yefus. Confcience's teftimony warrantably fpeaking peace, is like a garifon planted about the heart, keeping it as an impregnable and invincible ftrong hold or fort ; 16 that no troubles nor temptations from with out, nor ft rrings of corruption or challenges from with. hi, do fooner (to fay fo) set out their head, but it over- matcher!) them, and preferves the heart quiet in despite of them all. 2dly, This does alfo accompany this tefti -, rnony, as a ground of joy, even the clearing up of Per. the