ón z Con: i. 12. 255 perfons intereft in Chrift, and the evidencing of their fincerity, and the truth and reality of the work of grace in them ; which is very ftrengthning and comforting. When a man hath put his way to the trial in the court of Corfcience; and found it to be fquared according to the rule of the word, and hath Confcience's teflimony therein for him it fweetly evidences to him his fincerity, and fo the truth of his intereft in Chrift, which is attended with unfpeakable joy. idly, This tefiimony gives boldnefs and accefs with con- fidence to God, to go heartfomly and familiarly to him in prayer, under the multitude of temptations, crones and reproaches ; And is nor this ground of great refrefhing and joy,when á man may go to God,and pour out his very Heart in his bofom; may not only tell him what he needs but alto expe& a gracious hearing and return from him in whatfoever is needful ? If our hearts (lays john, i E- pille, Chap. 2. z2.) condemn us not, we bave confidence to- wards God and whatfoever we ask, we receive of him, be- caufe we keep his commandments, and do tbefe things that are pleáfant in his fight. Tho' the man be empty-handed for the time, and hath not in himfelf whereupon he can be for the honour of God, either by fuffering or doing, he may with humble boldnefs prefent his fuit to God, and exile& from him whatfoever is good and needful for the man himfelf, and whatever may be for his own honour in him, and b.y him. 4tbly, This teftimony of a good Confcience bath attend... ing it, a clearing and up- making, frefh and lively hope of eternal life ; and of a comfortable, glorious and fa- tisfying outgate from all the difficulties, temptations and troubles that he is in at prefent, or may be in for the future; it will make him, according to his meafure, fay, as Paul doth, 2. Tim 4. 7, 8. I have fought a good fight, I have fin fhed my courfe, I have kept the faith.' Henceforth is laid up for me a crown of righteoufnefs, &c And, by thus clearing up the Chrifiian's hope of eternal life, an entrance is minfred unto him abundantly, into the everlaJling'kingdom of our Lord and Saviour re /us Chr ; as Peter hath it, z Ep. Chap. t. t t. And muff it not be exceedingly, and even unfpeakablya refrefl ing and joyful to