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oil 2. Cor. r. i 2. icy this flower to the other of worldly enjoyments, Peeking' to fuck fome fweetnefs and fatisfa &ion from them, and do not, as it becomes them, refle& on Confcience, that they may have a teftimony of fincerity from it, and that on that ground they may be quiet, cheerful and joyful. The third ufe ferves tó difcover to us, what Mighty prejudice flows from, and follows upon the negle& of a tender walk, which lays the ground of this teílimo- ny, and On the negle& of felf- examiinatión, a main piece òf a tender walk, which helpeth to draw forth this teftimony And therefore, as ye would haÿe this tefi mony, and the refrething peace and joy that flöw from it in life and death ; and, as ye would have a heart ho- lily triumphing over all croffes and difficulties, affli &i- ons and tribulations; defign and endeavour more through grace to have a tender walk, that ye may lay a; ground for this teflimòny, and ftudy to be more frequent in Pelf- examination, that thereby ye may extra& and draw it forth clearly and convincingly for your peace,' com- fort and joy. Could many of you be but once prevail-" ed with, to prove and make trial what a comfortable thing it is, to have Confcience by this teftimony fmi- ling on you, ye would be more in love with if, and with the ferious exercife of godlinefs, and particularly with felf-examination, that make way for it ; however, we are perfwaded, that, ere long, the day will come where- in many of you fhall be made to knew the truth of all this in your fad experience, when death (hall flare you grimly in the face, and when ye (hall neither be able to fend nor to flee : O of what excellent worth will the te- flimony of a good Confcience then be found to be, bearing witnefs to men concerning their honef}y,' fincerity, up- rightnefs, and the tendernefs of their walk ! many of you will find it, tho' you believe it not now, when ye lhall be eternally deprived of fuch a teflimony ;` ye fhait then be made to know, to your everlafting colt,' that the rejoicing of heart, flowing from this teflimony of a good Confcience, is infinitely preferable to all the world ly enjoyments and delights of the Eons of men. 1 r could befeech fuch of you as think yourfelves to` be It