on GOP. g. i 2. 2 , With it, that he is a hypocrite ; yet he is filent as to this part of the charge, being, 'tis like, convinced of the truth of it. As alto, a man may have many things very blame worthy in his life, and yet, may be, in one or 'no particulars wherewith he is charged, clear and inno cent ; as it was with David, who Pays, Pfal. 7. 3. If I have done this, &c. He had many blemilhes, yet in this particular he had the teflimony of his Confcience for him Therefore men would try their way by pieces and parts, that they may difallow of there things wherein they can- not have a good teflimony from their Confcience, and may accept of its teflimony in that wherein they are right ; that they may reje& a challenge when there is nci ground for it, and entertainit where there is ground. A. Confided general way of felt examination bath two baci effe&s, 1. It keeps perfons indiflin& in the knowledge of their condition, wherein they have a confuted fight of fomewhat right and of fomewhat wrong, but know not what it is in particular, becaufe they refl and fit down Upon that general confuted look of their cafe and way, and come not to condefcend ou particulars. 2. Perfons readily either abfolve themfelves as to the more general traec of their life, becaufe they fee Tome things honeflo like therein, which keeps them from taking with jU1 challenges ; or elfe they condemn the whole of their life, becaufe they fee fomethings wrong in it,' which keeps them from comforting themfelves in the teflimony of their Confcience as to what is right Therefore we would be particular in trying our way (as I laid) by parts, that every thing may have its own place and weight with us. 4thly, Confidering there words as fpoken by' Pauf who takes much pains to prove and clear his condition, and (peaks of this teflimony as of a great matter he had attained to, Obferve, That it is not eafy, but very diffi cult, even for a man that bath taken pains in fearching himfelf, to obtain the teflimony of his Confcience for him in a particular.. 9Tis not fo fmal! á .matter; nor fo eafy a bùfanefs, as Many take it to be ó 'Tis not only a great and difficult bufinefs to follow the fearch rightly; but it is fo likcwife to find things right) and to win at the R z