072 z-c-or. I. 12. 2.0k difficulty that a man will find in coming at a thorough fearch of his way, or to the diligence and finglenefs that is called for in the trial of Confcience its teftimony, we will find it to be a molt clear and certain truth, That it is not an ordinary, nor eafy bufinefs, but very difficult, to obtain the well grounded, good and joyful teftimony of Confcience, as to our more general and particular con - verfation. If it be fo (which is the ufe of the do &rine) is it not a wonder from whence the peace, that many pretend to, comes ? Is it not a wonder, that the molt part of men and women can fo eafily affirm the teftimony of their Confcience to be for them, when there is neither exa &nets of life, nor tendernefs of walk, i nor diligence in felf- fearching, nor holy jealoufy, nor mpartial and fingle try- ing whether it be well- grounded or not ? And yet they will at the very firff confidently pretend to Confcience its teflimony. If many of you were put to it, can you give fuch evidences or grounds for its teflimony, as Paul does here ? If not, how comes it to pats, that ye are fo ready confidently to lay claim to it ? And yet, alas ! there is nothing more ordinary, in the generality of thefe that are molt carnal and fecure, than boldly to affert, that they have a good Confcience, and an honeff heart. Is not this very ftrange, wonderful, and even a- ' ffoni4hing, that, under the clear fun -thine of gofpel- light, Satan fhould get fo great advantage, as thus to harden the hearts, and blind the Covfciencec of fo many poor wretch- ed creatures, and at this rate to delude and befool them, as to prevail with them confidently to affert and maintain that which they call their honefty, which yet is nothing elle but rotten-hearted hypocrify ; and to avouch their peace of Confcience, which is nothing but a ;Caul-murde- ring and damning delufion ? For further clearing of the do &rive, and enlarging of its ufe, and for helping you to judge aright of Confcience its teftimony, in your fearching after it, we (hall pro - pofe force queflions, from the requifite qualifications of a well- grounded and refrefhing teftimony of a man's Con- fcience for him, which mutt all be anfwered in fame mean 4i. re affirmatively, and thefe anfwers folidly and well R prove4i, 1111111.