vYG 7. t..vi. L. 4. and time, and as to God's calling you to filch and fach a duty, whether did you acknowledge God in your under. taking of the duty ? was he looked to for dire&ion and guiding in it, and for his blefling on it, and depended on for through - bearing ? according to that notable word, Prov. 3. 16. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he fhall direct thy paths ; in this alfo Confcience muff have fatif- fa&tion. 4thly, What motive did let you on to fuch and fuch a duty ? and from what principle did you do it ? For a duty or action may be right on the matter, and ye may allo be called to it, and yet, if ye be not forayed to it from a right motive and principle, it will marr your peace, and Rand in the way of Conscience teflifying for you ; that is, Tho' you íhould do a thing that is right, if ye be not swayed to it out of Confcience, from the awe of God, from love to him, and from obedience to his command, it is faulty in fo far, and ye cannot in fo far have peace, nor the approving teflimony of your Con- fcience therein : But if a man endure grief, and ¡Pier wrongfully, for Confcience towards God,, it is thank - worthy, faith the apoftle, i Pet. 2. 19. Or if he give a cup of cold water to a difciple, in the name of a difciple, he (hall not lofe his reward, Matth. io. 4.. Thus two perfons come to Church to hear the word, the one out of Confcience, in obedience to God's command, and from love to fel-- lowfhip with him in his ordinances ; and the other for the fafhion, and becaufe 'cis the cuff om, or that he may efchew from his own Confcience, the conftru&ion, and accufation of his being a grofly profane and irrreligious perfon, or on fame fuch other finifler account ; the one bath in fo far ground of peace, and the refrefhing tefli- mony of a good Confcience ; the other not, 5thly, Confcience mull be fatisfied in this queífion, In whofe ftrength was the duty undertaken ? was it in the ftrength of Chr.ifl ? and was he depended on for affi- fIance in the going about of it ? for it is not enough, that the duty he gone about, and he fame way acknowledged in it, unlefs he be alto believingly depended on for ftrength to enable s to the ur end in performance undertaking it. What Y cuting