ViG LICU. J. 3. 10, j1/4-' the pra&ice of holinefs, by which we come to a good Conic ence ; a willingnefs to deny our own righteoufnefs, and by faith to betake ourfelves to Chrift for peace with God, and for the pardon of fin, and a willingnefs to have grace to make us fruitful in every good work : a- ny men and women have the firft fort of willingnefs, who have not the fecond ; therefore, fo foon as it comes to the ufe of fuch means as may help to further ho1i_ nefs, and to attain a good Confcience, they are at a (land ; as it was with that man mentioned Matth. 19. who quefrionlefs would have been at heaven But when Chrift tells him, If he sivould be perfee`?, he mull fell all that he bath, and give to the poor, and come and follow him ; and fo puts him to a proof of his willingnefs, by putting him to will the mids, as ever he would come by the. end ; 'tis laid, He went away forrowfisl, for he had great poffef ons ; he was loth and unwilling to want heaven, and he was as unwilling and loth to forego his riches ; and at length, in this debate and ftruggle, his wealth prevailed, and carried him quite off from Chrift. Alas, there are many fuch hearers of the gofpel ! However a defire to the mids, as well as to the end, muff be in right willing- nefs to live honeftly, which is the firft thing wherein this willingnefs confifis. 241y, We would diftinguifh, and put difference betwixt willingnefs to the mids ab- ftraEtedly (to fpeak fo) confidered, and a willingnefs to the mids confidered complexly with other things and ways that ly crofs to it, which yet the man loves Thus, when a man is convinced, that fuch a thing is good and defirable, he will have fort of defire after it ; (as that man fpoken of Matt 19. had after heaven and falvation) but when he comes to look at the thing com- plexly, as it may be thwarting with force other thing that he loves better, he 'cloth not a &ually will it, be -. caufe he fees that, for the attaining of it, he mull part with, and forego that other thing, which he preferreth to it : In this refpe &, many men may love holinefs as good and defirable, and they will readily fay, O to be holy ! as that wretch Balaam wifhed to die the death of the righteous ; but, when it tonnes to particulars,' that thwart and crofs their lulls and corrupt inclinations, as U z when