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V /4 iii. v a, sv ecl willingnefs is a fervile and mercenary defire of holinefs, to procure by it freedom from hell, and coming to heaven at heft, and often to have refpe& from men, efpecially in a time when holinefs is in any requef{ and refpe &, as the Pharifees had in their giving of alms, and making long prayers ; . and whereof the Lord feems to mean, when he fays, Hof. Io. Epharim it an empty vine, be brings forth fruit to himfel f: Ml holinefs that is defigned or purfued for this end for any predominantly reify end, is nothing before God but an unfiraight or crooked willingnefs. Or ye may look at a fingle willingnefs to holinefs, as that which is out of refpe t to holinefs for itfelf; and when we love holinefs , and an univerfality in it, becaufe God loves it, and becaufe 'tis like him, and beautifully con- forms to his image : Thus David fweetly expreffeth him - felf, Pfal. 119. 127. I love thy commandments above gold, yea fine gold ; when there is a worth, amiablenefs and ex- cellency Peen in the commands, and the things commanded; when they are prized, and a dear refpe& is had to them all for themfelves. 5thly, We would ditinguijh betwixt a fluggiti willingnefs or defire after holinefs, and an effe&aal willingnefs. There is a fort of willingnefs that fullers men to ly f}ill with the fluggard ; fuch would fain have knowledge, but they do not take pains to read, if it were but the catechifm, that they may come by it ; they would fain have tufts mortified, but they do not faft and pray, that fuch devils may be made to go out; they would be at holinefs, but they dow not ufe the means appointed by God to win at it : There is fuch a d.efire fpoken of, Prov. 13.4. The foul cf the fluggard defines and bath not, becaufe his hands refufe to work; he rats con- tentedly in his defire, and takes no pains to profecute it, to the obtaining of that which he def res ; even as many lazy bodies would fain be rich, but do not take pains and labour to come at riches : Even as it is ¡forie.d of the Roman young gentleman, who laid himfeli down on the grafs, and rolled and tumbled there a while, and laid, Utinam hoc effet laborare ! O if this were to labour and work ! even fo it may be in fpiritual things; the may be a fluggifh defire to be holy, and yet great ne- gligence as to any fuitable pains to come by it : Jut cfe ua.l