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- .JG/ FI V/6 L willingnefs is that which yokes the man in good earnef to the ufe of all appointed means,. whereby he may ob-. tain his defired end ; as he delires to be holy, fo he pref_ fes to be at it through all obftru &ions and difficulties ; and tho' he win not up to perfection in refpeét of degrees, yet he difpenfes not with himfelf in his thortcoming, nor in the allowed neglect of any mean that may help him forward ; Not as if I were already perfect (fays the apo- fle, Phil. 3. i 3, 14. meaning as to the degree) But one thing I do, forgetting thefe things that àre behind, and reach- ing forth unto thefe things that are before, I prep towards the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Chrif fefus c And, v. 16. he lays, Let as many as are perfec`l be thus minded; where he fpeaks of a perfeEtion attainable even here, and implies, that thofe who are not thus min - ded, endeavouring thro' grace to reach forward, to preis towards the mark, making it their one thing to attain to perfe &ion in holinefs, cannot lay claim to this willingnefs, which is an evidence of perfection in the fenfe the apofile fpeaks of. Now, from all thefe diflindions put together, We may find a clear anfwer to what natural and carnal hearts will readily object here, and make difcovery of the unwärtantablenefs, nay, of the rottennefs, of the grounds whereon they found their peace : For, liince this Awillingnef's bath fuck influence on mens folid peace and tranquillity of Confcience, it is not fare every willingnefs that will be a certain evidence of it, nor a folid ground to build it upon. 4 41'44 44 *ert °t h SERMON III. Neb. 13. 18. Tray for vs : For we trzi we have a good Cdn, feience, in all things willing to live ho - lief ly. HO' a good Confcience be the thing in all the world, in reference to which, men ought to carry molt tenderly ; yet, if we (hall take a view of the -ay of the generality of people, ever, living under, and making