making profeffion of, the gofpel of Chrift, we will find that there is nothing that they deal more untenderly in ; force on the one hand accounting that to be a good Con- fcience, which is nothing fo, and fo barely proftituting and abufing this:excellentthing ; otilers on the other hand look- ing on a good Confcience as but an airy notion and fancy, never knowing, nor ftudying to know, what the benefit and advantage of it is : They make it ufelefs and corn - fortlefs to themfelves, and fo are utterly deprived of that fweetly- ferene tranquillity, which is God's gracious allow- ance oft them that make it their bufinefs to have,a tender and truly good Confcience. The doctrine that we propofed laft, was for direeting us how to keep a juft mils betwixt thefe two extremes_; and 'tis this, That, where there is a fincere willingnefs to be univerfally honeft in the whole of our converfation, it hath great influence on the peace of our Confcience, is a notable evidence of a good Confcience, and a choice companion that waits continually on it. Paul here af- ferts his tranquillity of Confcience on this ground ; and withal explains and qualifies the fame, by telling us, that in all things he had a ,zvillingnefs to live honefily. Now, becaufe this cioëfrine is of great concernment to believers in Chrift, as to their folid peace and comfort; and deals with feveral forts of men;, fame of whom, as rAntinomi- ans, reje&ing any inch evidence, and difputing againtt the poflibility of univerfal fincerity, fo that, according to them, there can be no folid conclufion drawn hence for the comfort of belivers ; others, fuch as hypocrites, fnatch- ing at this confolation when they have no honefty in their walk and a third fort (better difpofed) who, from feen defe &s and failings in their walk, refuting all the con - folations that flow from this ground, fay on the matter, to the weakning of their own hands, and to the fainting and difcouraging of their own hearts, that they have nothing of his honefty, nothing of this willingnefs to live honefily : We infìfled the more on the clearing of thefe three in the doc`lrine ; I. What is meant by an honett walk. z. What is meant by univerftl lincer.ity, or ho -- petty in our walk. 3. What is meant by this willing -. ne!s to live honefily, which is the bate on which the te- t1 4 ítitxion