1 w. i. 10. 3i3 count, Rom. 7. yet he is the man here who bath this calmnefs of a good Confcience. 2dly, Vc,re premit, That this peace and calmnefs, confi- fling with challenges and repentance, and with deep in- ward exercife, may be, z fl, where there is no abfolute perfe&ion of holinefs ; tho' I grant there mull muff be no lower, nor lefs defign, than perfe &ion ; becaufe this peace and calmnefs in fojourning faints (of whom we mean all along) is moffly founded on fincere and ferions endea- vours to attain it, as the apoffle fpeaks, Phil. 3. 12) 13. Not as though I had already attained, or were already per - feet, viz. in holinefs, but I follow after, &c. and yet, y. 15. he afferts a perfeí ion. There is not an attaining of )erfe &ion as to deg. ees, and yet there is a perfe&ion in refpe& of parts, and in refpe& of fincere endeavour, ande preffing to be at perfe &ion. 2dly,T his peace and calmnefs that we (peak of, may confiff with the indwelling of cor- ruption, tho' not with the reign and dominion of it : I fay, with the indwelling of corruption, where the ffirrings and a&ings of it are (as it were) protefted againff, gro- ned under, and oppofed; as it was with this apoffle, Rom. 7. who, notwithftanding the law of his members rebelling againff the law of bis mind, yet maintains his peace ; be- caufe this peace is grounded, not fo much on the entire and abfolute vi &ory over corruption, as on a real hatred of, a real enmity at, and a real fighting againff, it. ;dly, This peace and calmnefs may conlft, not only with core ruption indwelling, but fometimes with the prevailing and captivating power of corruption ; which is alto clear from Rom. 7. where the law that is in the apoffle's members prevails fo far againft the law of his mind, that it leads him captive to the law of fin that is in his members and yet he hath peace : The reafon is, becaufe this peace does not only flow from the event of the wreffling or fight, but allo from the Chriflian's not yielding in the fight, tho' he be captivate, and from his entring as it were a diffent from, and proteffatioii againf, the cap- tivating power of corruption : Therefore (faith he) The thing I do, I allow not ; and it is no more I that doth it, but fin that dwelleth in me ; Not, but it was he that finned, but he allowed it not Nay (as I Paid) he protefled a- gainft