gainft the prevailing of fin41ñ h mfelf: Therefore the words in the original are, The thing I do I know not; that is, .I will not in fome refpe& own it for my deed: And on this ground he maintains his peace, and from it draws his confolation, Rom. S. I. There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Chrifz efus, who walk not after the fefh, but after the Spirit : For, tho' fometimes the heft" may prevail, yet (lays he) we walk not accord- ing to the principles of flefh, but we endeavour, the° we come not up to perfe &ion, to walk according to the rule, principles, and di &ates of the Spirit. 3d1y, We premit, That this peace and calmnefs of Con- fcience may conf it with many defe&s, infirmities and failings ; yet we would beware of, and watchfully guard againtt, two forts of fins, that are inconfiflent with it ; 1. Confcience-wafting fins, that raife a form and tempeft in the Confcience ; fuch as were David's adultery and mur- der, Peter's denial of his mailer, and the like : Which, tho' they may confift with an intereft in God, handing fill inviolated and not nulled ; and tho' peace may be recove- red by the renewed exercife of repentance toward God, and of faith toward the Lord jefus ; yet, for the time of the prevailing of fuch fins, and before fuch exercife of faith and repentance, they are to the believer's Confcience as boiferous winds are to the fea : We do not therefore admit of all forts of fins to be confifent with this peace and tranquillity of Confcience ; but fuch only as are fine of more ordinary infirmity againft the foul's a&ual diffent and proteftation to the contrary. z. We would beware of fuch aggravations of fin, that make little fins (little I mean comparatively) to become great fins. A man may be captivate by fome fins, and yet retain peace ; and yet thefe fame fins in another perfon, by reafon of force grie_ voufly aggravating circumfances, as if they be commit- ted deliberately, and out over the belly of light, and of checks and challenges, may much wale his ConfcienPe, and greatly wound and mar his peace : In this refpe& (I lay) tho the fin in his own nature may be leffer, yet it is greatned by thefe and fich other aggravations : They are ftri &ly and properly fins of infirmity, that the be- liever doth not content to wherewith he is furprifed, a- . gainá