L uerfcun 3. has peace. We may fee that it was thus ahfo with He zekiah, Ifa. 38. with yob, Chap. 31. and with Paul, Phil. 3. who was not perfe& already, but preffing hard to -. wards it. A 3d.ground of confirmation is drawn from the fcriptures, giving fuck chara&ers and defcriptions of believers, and affirming fuch qualifications of them, on account of which they have a teflimony from God, and ground of holy boldnefs in their pleadings with him ; all which look to their honeff willingnefs and fincere en. deavour after perfe&ion, and not to their attainment of üt ; as we fee in Nehemiah, who thus fpeaks to God,Chap. z . Let thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy fervant, and ,of thy fervauts who defre to fear thy name ; where we have the afferting of an intereft in God, and of a kindly re- ation to him,with holy boldnefs ; and yet they plead not a perfe &ion in the fear of God, but a defire to fear him : Their defre, defign, refolùtion and endeavour, was to fear him. So, Matth. 5. 6. they are pronounced by the Lord to be bleffed who hunger and thirfl after rigbteoufnefs; which fpeaks plainly no abfolute perfe&ion ; And, fay they, Pfal. 44. All this is come upon us, yet have we not fpr- faken thee, nor dealt fal2y in bis covenant. Tho' they had many infirmities and failings, which they did not deny, but take with ; yet they humbly avouch adherence to God, and to his covenant, fo as they did not forfake him, nor deal treacheroufly in it ; they affert their fincerity in, cleaving to him, notwithftanding of all that came upon'''. them. This ground is frequently made ufe of, Pfal. 119. and particularly, verfe 6. where the Pfalmif1 fays, Then fall I rot be of amed, when I lave refpeët unto all thy commandments : As if he had faid, My Confcience thall not bluth, nor be confounded, but have confidence and quietnefs, tho' there be not a perfe& up- coming in o- bedience to all things commanded, if I have a refpe& to all, and an hone(' defign and purpofe to be at all. 4. It cannot be otherwife, if we confider that Confcience will and muff be calm and quiet, when God accepts of a man's way. Now, tho' there be not abfolute perfe&i- on, yet, if there be reality and fincerity, and no thort- corning allowed, approven, nor contented to, but wref#- led aaainft and oppofed, God will accept of por way. 'Tai