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On Heb. 13. I b. 31'7 'pris Paid, 2 Cor. 8. 9, io. That God accepts of a willing mind, according to that which he hash, and not according to that which he bath not. If a man improve well, feriouf- ly and fincerely the outward things given him, tho' there be force providential obftru &ion to the performance, yet, on account of his handily willing mind, he is gracioufly accepted ; which holds proportionably in other points and parts of obedience. Thus the Lord fays, Mal. 3. 17. 1 will fpare theme, as a man fpares his fon that ferveth him : And, Pfal. 1 o 3. 13. Like ar a fa- ther pitieth bis children, fo loth the Lord thefe that fear him. The force of the comparifon Thews that things are not at perfe&ion in them, for then there were no need of fparing or pity : But,as there is filch compaflìon in a fa- ther, that tho' his fon cannot perform things comman- ded him exaetly and perfe &ly, yet, if he be readily and honeflly doing what he does, he will fpare and pity him and he would be an unnatural father that lhould do' otherwife : So will I do, lays the Lord, with my Ions that ferve mc. And in this refpe& the ground of a man's peace and calmnefs is not any abfolute perfeetion in him_ felf, but God's covenant and free grace, and his way of dealing with his own children, who will in force cafes fay nothing againft them and Confcience is not allowed to fay any thing where he Pays nothing. Now, if it be asked, how this comes to pats ? We anfwer, That there are three things that accompany real willingnefs,that contribute to, and give ground of, peace, even tho' there be failings ; I. A real hatred and abhorrence of the fin, Pfal. 119. i 28. I hate every falfe way. There is a keeping at a diflance with Confcience- - wafting fins; fo that the man, not only abfiainsfrom acting them, but out of Confcience towards God, from filial aw and reverence, from love and refpet to him, hates that which he hares ; Do not I (fays David, Pfal. 139.) hate them that hate thee ? I hate them with a perfect hatreds 2. Real willingnefs keeps off Confcience - waiting aggrava- dons, fo that believers fall not in fins of infirmity with deliberation ; neither do they allow or Puffer themfelves to ly ftill in them : Now 'tis fuch as thefe that efpecially wound the Confcience, and raife the Rom and tempeff of