v/` L1I.IJ. 13. -3I9 man may think he has ; but, if the qualifications of this willingnefs (whereof we fpoke the laft day) be remem- bred and well confidered, it will be found, that no natu- ral man hath it, neither can have it while he is fuel' We fpeak not of what a demented perfon may fancy he path, but of what a fdber and compofed Chriflian hack, The. fecond ufe ferves to difcover the great unfoundnefs, and firong delufion that is in the conclufion that hypo- crites (the fecond fort of perlons whom this do &rive deals with) are difpofed to draw from it, who are ready to blefs thernfëlves, and think and fay, Well's us that there is fuch a truth as this ; for, tho we fail and come fliort in many things, yet we have a good mind and meaning : And under this fpecious and plaufible -like pretext they shrewd and (as it were) hide all their vo- luntary neglects and omifliors of thefe things which they are called to in the pra &ice of religion, and in li- ving honefily, in order to winning at this folid peace and tranquillity of a good Confcience. But, let me ask fuch, Have ye the qualifications which we affigned of this willingnefs ? Is it a willingnefs that carries you forth towards coming at the raids to will holinefs, as well as at the end to will happinefs ? and that carries you towards the mids, viz. holinefs for itfelf, and not for heaven or happinefs only? Is it an habitual willingnefs,and not by fits and flarts? Is it Jingle, and not mercenary nor crooked ? and, is it effectual, and not fluggilh ? Tho' God will gracioufly accept of willingnefs, where perlons are ho... nett and fincere in their aim and endeavour, notwith- ílanding of much failing and fhortcoming ; yet, where men allow themí lves in their fhortcomings, he will not there accept of willingnefs : Therefore that word, op- portunity, is put in by the apofile, Gal. 6. 1o. .f4s we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, efpecially to them that are of the houfhold of faith ; and Phil. 4. Ye" were careful, but ye lacked opportunity, If there be not ari opportunity, God will accept of a willing mind, as t,_ he did from the thief on the crois : Or, if a marl be poor, and have not to give out towards the fupply of others ; but yet if he have, and yet, by (hutting of his purl, he íhut up his bowels from his poor brother yea,