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520 ,Sermó 3. yea, if a man through his own culpable accel ion Mash difabled hirnfelf from that charitable duty, if it be not fincerely repented of, (For he fhould work with his bands, that he may give to them that want) his willingness will not be accepted. Therefore let none think, that this wil- hngnefs loofeth any the leaft latchet or buckle to loof- nefs and finful liberty : WO be to them that refolvedly make fo curled an ufe of fuch comfortable doEtrine, and that fuck fuch poifon out of fo fweet and ftrong a cor- dial for fainting faints under the deep sense of their fhortcomings in that which they would as fain be at, as ever they would be faved, and be in heaven. God will not certainly take that for willingness, nor will it be a ground of peace to the Confcience, that is not waited with deigns and endeavours through grace to improve and make ufe of prefect opportunities of doing duty, and with force meafure of serious preffing towards the mark. But it may be asked, Wherein confiffs this willingness, or what isimplied in it ? For anf Uer, I would fay, There are (befide what is held forth in the diftintiions that we offered the other day) thefe flue things in it; 1. An:, high efleem and prizing of all the fteps of holiness (as was laid before) I efleem (faith the Pfalmift, Pfal. 119. I 28.) all thy precepts concerning all things to be right : There is no piece of holinefs, but the man that is thus willing loves it and efleems it, were it to give all his goods toi the poor, and his body to be burnt, when he is cal- led to it ; to be reproached, defamed, and ill fpoken of, for Chrift's and the gofpel's fake, as well as to pray, hear the word read, and fan &ify the Sabbath, or do' any thing that may gain refpe& to him from' men ; and that not only from the aw of God` that is on his fpi- rit, but out of love to the thing; he would not with one command to be changed or altered, even the molt fiiblimely fpiritual, and most difficultly practicable, letbe dathed out of the book of God : Whereas the hypocrite, if he try narrowly, will find that he loth, on the matter at least, with, that fuch and fuch a fin had been allowed; not forbidden at leaft ; and that fuch and fuch a duty had not been commanded ; as the young man, who was bidden fell all that he had, and give to the poor, could