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on Heb. 73. x8. z ± Could not digef{ that command, but declared by his pra- dice, and refuting to obey it, that he thought it not to be right, and that he eileemed it not as fuch, and fo on the matter wifhed there had never been fuch a command. adly, It hath a delire to be at the thing. The man's heart's delire is to be at holinefs ; his great with is that of the Pfalmill, Pfal. i 19. 7. 0 that my ways were directed to keep thy precepts ! The defre of his foul is towards the remem- brance of him, and of his name ; as it is, Ifaiah z6. 8. and, with Nehemiah, he defires to fear God's name. He not on- ly defires peace with God and heaven, but alfo holi- nefs and horsefly in his walk ; he breathes after that, as af- ter heaven. And he cannot be fatisfied with the hope of heaven, force few years hence ; if he want holinefs for the time, that want makes his very heart lick. idly, It bath an exceeding great delight in holinefs Nothing is more refreshing to him, thoufánds of gold and flyer, a crown and a kingdom will not fatisfy him fo much as ho- linefs ; I delight in the lady of God (faith the apoftle, Rom. 7.) after the inner -man : The word of God is Tweeter to biro than the bony, and the bony -comb. 'T'is the joy and rejoicing cof his heart: And when he finds any fin prevented, or ftricken at the root of it, 'tis refreshing, delightfom, and fatisfy ing to his very foul. 4th /y, It bath a prefhng endea- vour after the ufe of all means whereby he may win to that pitch of holinefs which he would be at : He would fain be fpontaneous, willing of his own accord in following his duty : As'tis Paid of facób, that be thought his feven years fir-, vice for Rachel, to be but as a few days, for the love he bad to ber; fo this willingnefs maketh the fabbath feem fhort, and many years in the painful fervice of God, when it goes with him,to feem but as a few days; becaufe of the love that he bath to him, and the delight that he hath in the fer- vice of fo fweet a Maffer : It puts him to prefs hard towards the mark,as a man on the fpur running a race out over all, rubs in his way ; he purfues as carnally and eagerly after holinefs, as if his juflifi cation before God depended on its 5. It hath all thefe deliberately, and fomeway confiant-- ly, and not by guefs, as it were, and by fits and f { arts,, or by evanishing little flafhes at a communion, under frcknefs, or fòme great fear ; but it is (as I juli now lid) X 04'