32z bermof 3. a deliberate and continued willingnefs, as to the feries and ítrain of it, tho' it hath its own failings intermixed and partial interruptions ; 'tis with him as it was with him who Paid, Pfal 119. 57 . Ihave faid that I would keep thy words: It is his deliberate choice. As when a man choofeth fuck a thing, his willingnefs to it is the refult of his delibera- tion and choice ; fo this man's heart willeth holinefs as his deliberately refolved and determined choice. All ye then that lay any claim to this willingnefs to live honefily, fee well that it be thus qualified : And I do in the name of the Lord folemnly charge fuch of you, whole hearts were never towards holinefs, that ye prefume not to med- dle with the confolation that waits on this honeft willing - trefs, or this willingnefs to live honefily ; and if any fuch lhail offer to drink it, God fhaIl make you with pain, e- ven to renting (as it were) of your very bowels, vomit it up again, and your confidence fhall be utterly reje&ed, and root you out of your tabernacle. The 3d ufe ferves to clear, cafe and comfort, thefe that defign and endeavour to be tender in their walk, (the third fort of perlons, with whom we faid this dogrine deals) who will be ready to obje el, Alas, we have much corruption, and many failings and breakings -forth of that corruption. We fhall not deny but take for granted what ye fay ; yet your great corruption and many fins should put you to the ferrous exercife of repentance, and felf- lothing, but fhould not, where this willingnefs is, break your peace; be- caufe Confcience fhould pity whereGod pities, who pities his honeftly-willing people, as a father pitieth his children. But fuch will further objet, Ah ! our fins have fad aggrava- tions; we know we arc wrong, and in ill cafe, and yet we fomeway ly Rill, at leaft do not effectually beftir ourfelves to win out of it. For anfwer, I would enquire, Do you al- low yourfelves in that ? There is great difference betwixt your knowing that ye fin, and your finning willingly ; Paul fees a law in hit members rebelling againfl the law of his mind, and yet Pays, Wbat I do, I allow not ; for to w°il is prefent with me, but how to perform that which is good, 1 know not. I shall readily grant that there would be much honellya Liinglenefs and humility here ; yet God allows