on ñcU. 1 . Yo. 3z . 211ows peace on a poor captive (inner, who, knowing the thing that he doth to be ill, yet approves it not, nor him - feif in it. But fuch will yet again objetg, How can we have peace, fo long as we have fin in us ? For anfwer, I would fay, That it is one thing to have peace with con.' ruption, and another thing to have peace with Confci ence Corruption and Confcience are as. two contrary parties; a man may be in league with the one party, when he is purfuing the war with the other; yea, except a man have war with corruption, he cannot have peace with, his Confcience And tho', when two parties are in confede- racy,.. a third may come and beat the one of the two off the field, yet that will not diffolve or break the league except there be a willing yielding toward compliance . with the contrary party ; yea, fighting íh11,_ and refufing' to yield when, the beaten party is weak, is the greater evidence of honefly : So is it when Confcience and we are in league together, tho' corruption beat us, if we yield not, it will not break peace; as it was with holy yob,` Chap. 31. who will do nothing that may wrong his.,Con- fcience : And, tho' corruption fhould fometimes prevail over him, who bath made a league with Confcience,, yet he will not fubmit to it as his lord and lawful .. fove -. reign;' and fo long as it is thus, it will not break the peace ; yea, there may be a good teftimony of Con- fcience under fuch a fad and wreftling exercife.,4t And tho' we would not have every traitor, bafe compliant, or run - away, to meddle with this confolatiot ; yet fncem rely- willing fouls, that are doing their utmoft to main- tain the fight, and to keep the field, and yet fall; under a furprifal and get forne defeat, may warrantably lay claim to it, tho' with much repentance and felf- lothing ; and may have fame peace and calmnefs in this, that they had not a voluntary hand in their own defeat ;', whereas he that is not ferious in the fight, can have no fuch ground of peace, becaufe he has been complying with, or. conniving at,, corruption, or tìot ferioufly firiving nor, proteffing againft it : ', But where there is .a teftimony that none of there things are the league and covenant that is betwixt the man and, his Confcience may ftand, and he may have, and ought to maintain, his peace.