24 Sèrmô 2 3. That we tiny come to a dole of this difcourfe and text, take force characters of this willingnefs to live how neftly, where 'tis fincere : And, 1 ftt, Where it is, the more that corruption get viEtory, the more it is hated, and the more holy difcontentment follows upon it: The prevailings of corruption firs, awakes and provokes the Chrifian's indignation the more againft it ; he was an- gry at it before ; but, when at any time it makes him foun- der, .or fall before it, his anger increafes and rifes to a holy rage againft it : Yea, when he is wreftling with his own corruption, and cannot get it mattered, and brought down as he would, he is the more fet againft it ; and, in his complaining of it, he will readily have the more weighty and aggravating expreffions of it; as the apofle bath it, Rom. 7. when he cries, O wretched man that if am! and as /ffaph bath, Pfal. 73. when he lays, So foolrfh' was I and ignorant, I was as a Beal before thee : Which is a real proof that he connives not at corruption, even when it is prevailing over him ; he bath not only a ha- tred of the evil, but even then when it prevaileth ; and the more it feemeth to prevail, the more he hates it. 2dlyi Where this willingnefs is, there is much prayer to God, and wrefling with him therein, to attain more and more holinefs ; as we may fee in the Pfalmift, who fay& to God, Pfal. 119. 5. 0 that-my ways were directed to keep thy fatutes ! and verfe io. With my whole heart have I fought thee, O let me 'not wander from thy command - ments ; and verfe 27. Make me to underhand the way of thy precepts ; and verfe 35. Make me to go in the path of thy commandments, for therein do I delight, &c. We know not if t here be many that are much in prayer to God for holi nefs, as a choice and defirable mercy, and that are (riving to maintain and keep up the fight again( their corruption; but furely, if this be not, men cannot have peace on this ground of willingnefs to live honeflly. idly,, Where this willingnefs is, there will be nothing a greater burden and aflii &ion to a perfon, than when corruption prevails. As we ufe to fay, there is nothing that troubles a man more, than not to get his will, or to have his will thwar- ted and crof ed ; even fo there is nothing that troubles the fincere man more than when hypocrify heals in up- on 4111/