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Thave attained, and prefs not at ailto e orwar, as It becomes thofe to do that are far behind : The truly willing honeft man fees fo great a deal of his way before him, that he fcarce endures to look back on what of it is paft ; he is ready to think and fay, I have fo many things to do for God, that I fomeway forget all the good turns that I have done, as to fitting down with them, or boafting of them. 6thly, The ferioufly- willing man can never be fully fatisfied with any vi &ory he bath obtained !, over his corruption, or outgate from it, nor dare he re& on it ; neither hath he peace, till he come to look to God, in Chrift, and to the hope of outgate through him ; I thank God (faith the apoftle, Rom. 7.) through 5efus Chr our Lord ; and then follows the conclufion, So then with my w1 mind I myfelfferve the law of God, but with the fief? the law of fan ; and Chap. 8. t . `I here is therefore now no con- demnation to them who are in Chrift fefus, who walk not af- ter the flefb, but after the Spirit. This charaeter hath three branches, i fit, The man that is wreflling with, and gron- ìng under, the body of death, loves well and dearly the hope of an outgate, and now and then longs to have the pins of his tabernacle loofed, and to be fred from that e.. vil neighbour and troublefom gueft of indwelling cor- ruption; and it is unexpreflibly fweet and refrefhing to him, to look to that defirable day, when he and it shall fi- nally part company. zdly, He bath never the fettled hope of an outgate, but when he looks to God through Chrift He looks to God, and thinks himfelf eternally obliged to him, for his giving Chrift to deliver him ; and he looks to Chrift for ftrength to Rand it out in the battle, and for obtaining a full and final outgate in the clofe, and at lath And, idly, A man that bath this willingnefs, it highly commends the free grace of God to him, it makes Christ very lovely to him, and withal it makes fin to be exceed- ing finful in his own eyes; he loves Chrift well, becaufe he bath the hope of an outgate through him ; and he loves grace well, becaufe the poor man, who is wreftling and warring with his corruption, and often plunge in the puddle and mire by it, hath through grace the hope of a final outgate from it ; and it makes fin to become out of tneafure lothfom to him ; and the higher Chrift je- X 4 14ás