fus and his grace are exalted, the more vile and abomi- rable is fin in his fight. O but it be fafe for the foul to ride at anchor betwixt thefe two! We (hall only add, That this fincerely and honeílly 'willing man is one that bath two parts in him ; and, as be hath two parts, fo he labours to give every part its 'own due; and., unlefs this be done, there is no keeping of peace and calmnefs in the Corifciénce. If a man should look on himfelt as wholly renewed, it were rank. pre - fumption, having (till a remainder of corruption in him and if (being a found believer in Chrift) he Mould look on himfelf as wholly unrenewed, it were grofs unbelief: Therefore he attributes'to corruption its due, and is hum- bled for it before the Lord ; and he acknowledges the grace of God in him, and any honeft proteft againft fin, attributing it to grace ; and gives God the praife of his grace, after Paul's example, who fays, Rom. 7. I thank +God through. refus Chri/i our Lord ; fo then with my mind 1 myfelf ferve the law of God, and with my flilb the law of fin: He takes with it, that with his unrenewed part he ferries the law of fin, fo that he was not come at perfe- âion in holinels ; and yet a(ferts, that in his mind he ferries the law of God, yet fo, that he ferved not the law of God, as of himfelf, or in his own ftrength, but as renew - ed and of fled by grace : For, z Cor. 3. 5. he Pays, Not that we are fufficient of ourfelves, as of ourfelves to think any thing, but our fufficiency is of God : He acknowledges that of himfelf, as of himfelf, he finned, and could not tb much as think a good thought, but as renewed, and that, not as'of himfelf, but as of God, he ferved God ; his fufficiency being allenarly of him, who enabled him to any thing that was good; and as it is, i Cor. i 5. Not I, hut the -race of God in me : The fame man that fays, he cannot fo much as think what is good as of himfelf, that Ile can do nothing, yet lays, J can do all things through Chrif Jlrength.ping me, Philip. 4. fo. O ftrange ! This gay of diftinguifhing is both a notable evidence of a man that-aims honefty at peace, and is the way to peace of Confcience ; and otherwife, if it be negle &ed, whili Chriftians have corruption in them, they can never have 'alid peace.