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l.;onlcrenCe is purged and made clean, is, the hlood of Chrifi. 3. The end wherefore the Consciences of men are made clean, is, that they may ferve the living God. 4. The proof and demonftration of the efficacy of his blood (in tiefe words of the former part of the verfe, the blood of Chrifi, who through the eternal Spirit offered himfelf without fpot to God) is taken from the excellency of thefacrifce of the Prieft, and of the Altar, whereby the facrifice was fan_ dified. We !hall, in paling, obferve a few things that may make way for clearing of the words, and for that which we chiefly intend to fpeak to from them ; And, observe, That the Rate of mens Confcience by nature is, that they are polluted by dead works, which are fuch works as are to be repented of, as the apoftle lays of them, Heb. 6. i. whereby he plainly infinuates, that fins are called dead works, for three reafons, i. Becauf& of a dead prin- ciple they proceed from, they flow from man that is dead by nature, as to any fpiritual life, dead in fins and trill pal fes ; and even the fins of believers themselves are fuch, as proceeding from them, in fo far as they are not quick - ned and renewed. 2. Becaufe of their demerit, and that which they deferve, which is eternal death ; final, con- ' tinuance wherein doth at !aft molt certainly bring on eternal death. 3. Becaufe, tho' a natural man's perfor- mances were never fo fpecìous and fplendid, yet, before God, they are but dead, like a carcafe that wants life So that, tho' the great& heap of prayers, and of other duties, fhould be found with a merely natural man, they are but like to thefe apples, which (as 'tis floried) grow at or about the lake of Sodom, which appear beautiful to the eye, but, fo loon as they are touched with the hand, they prefently fall into afhes ; fo the very belt of natural mens works, how fhining foever, are but dead works before God. Therefore (by the way) ye would know, that there is a great difference betwixt dead works and living works; and that there are many things that prefent fair, and are pleafant to look upon, which yet defile the Confcience. Ah, how many men and women are there, even living in the bofom of the vifible Church, who are in as great danger from, and by that,vwhich kerns frrff Muth to be fomaewhat, as by that which is really and ob®