J very mind and, Confciencé it deß ed, and that with / deàù works; and that all who are not in Chriíl are fo defiled, vile and abominable, that the moft Winking dun; ;fail is not fo lothfom, as the Co»fciences of fuch perfhns are : O what heaps and dunghils of lufts, what puddles and mires, what kennels and finks of pollution, and noifom and poifonable filthinefs are there ? what notbm and poi., fonable fins are drunk down with pleafure as fo much fweet wine ? all which are kept in retentis by the Con fcience,never one of them is forgotten: Tho',for the time, the Confcience by its filence is fuppofed to have forgotten, them ; yet it will fet them all in order, marfhal them all (as it were) in rank and file againft the perlons who shall be found out of Chrift, in a moft formidable man- ner ; it will not fufier one fin, nor fo much as one aggra - eating circumflance of any fin, to be forgot ; 1st will bring forth all, and charge them home furioufly and ir- refiftably : This in God's holy juftice will be the ufe of Confcience to all fuch perlons ; it is not like a conduit or pipe, that takes in at the one end, and lets out at the other, but like a ftanding fink, that fill retains all that comes into it. O then, what a foul and filthy bag (to fpeak fo) is the Confcience of many a man and woman 1_ Sothat no botch, boil, or ism.pofthume, hath fuch vile,fil- thy and abominable matter in it, as it bath ! O what a noifom and vilely oinking finell will that putrid matter fend forth, when God pricks it ! This fhould make you all to lothe living in your natural fate, and to long without lingring to be out of it :. It is like that many take it ill to have filch things Paid or thought of them but, I affure you, all that are out of Chrio, whether ye have a more full or empty purfe about you, you have this filthy bag full of fin within you ; and,while ye fecure- ly heap fins upon fins, ye are treafuring up wrath againft the day of wrath, and of the righteous judgment of God. The zd ufe ferves to let us fee, what a poor and lorry ground the moft part have for their peace of Confcience We may in truth wonder how it comes to pals, that ma- ny of you can have any peace, having fuch a puddle of filthinefs within you. If it be true, that your mind and Con- fcience is defiled (which are the bet{ things ye have) and r one