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on rieb. 9. r3, 14. 34X:; is in black nature, fin is at home, and any motion to fin is entertained, and even in a manner invited and wooed but, when a man comes to be renewed in his Rate, and,. grace gets the dominion, his great care and work is, to get the remainder of corruption call out ; and if any thing of it come back, or flay Rill within, that he can- not get raft out, he lothes it, and cannot bear with it, nor dwell fatisfiedly in the houfe hefide it. We will no*, fay, but many filthy things may be in a pure Confcience, but it does not comport well with them, nor digeft them ; they are as lukewarm water to a man's ftomach, that he cannot keep, but muff needs vomit up again, and he is lick till he do fo. S. It is a good token of a pure Con - fcience, when the man cannot endure to be at a diftance from Chrift, but hath many errands to him, would faina be near him; yea, would fain abide conftantly with him, as well as in him by faith, when he would ly befide hune as befide the fountain, to be bleatched there (fo to fpeak) becaufe he knows, that no fooner will he go from him, but his Confcience will be defiled ; and he loves fo well to be clean, and loves Chrift fo well that makes him clean, that he likes well to be always near him : This is a gooct token of a perfon that hath a pure Confcience; becaufe, as it betokens a great lothing of filthinefs, fo it betokens a great refpe& to Chrift on this account, as to the maker and keeper of the Confcience clean : And,on the . contrary, it is a very evil token when perlons will pretend to a pure Confcience, when yet they will not go to the fountain for a very long time, if at all ; and when they go (if we may fpeak fo) they fcarce can give their Confcience a dip, or a little fprinkling or fyning (as we ufe to fpeak) but they are away and gone again ; but a ferions, tender and pur- ged foul, will no fooner perceive a foul Hain or fpot, but it repairs quickly to the fountain of Chrift's blood to get it wafhed out : And, O but 'tis precious to him, and he never thinks himfelf to be right and well, but when he is there, and near to him ! 'Tis true, he cannot always be in prayer, or in other duties of woríhip; yet he endeavours to be in the habitual exercife of faith, correfponding with him for attaining and keeping a clean and undefiled Con - fcenco.