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va ings, that fanaifed only to the purifying of the Ph, could reach, petifceling the corner thereto, a, pertaining tothe Con- fcience (as it is faid, Chap. 9. 9.) neither could deli- ver him from an evil Confcience, and give him confidence and boldnefs in drawing near to God over the belly of many quarrels and grounds of challenge, the blood of Chriff can ; as it is, Chap. io. 22. We left the other day at (peaking fomewhat to that -na.. turai pollution thatthroughly affeets the hearts and Confci- ences of all men, before they be by the blood of Chrift purged; and the apofile's taking fuch pains to hold out this, thews plainly,that it is a matter of greateft concern- ment to Cl,riftians, to know the way how to get their. Con - feiencer purged from that deep defilement of fin wherewith they are polluted: For it is not his manner to infaf$ in any thing that is not of concernment to the people of God, who will readily, from the fad and doleful experience of their own pollution, be induced to think that this truth is fuch, and ought to be efteemed fo by them. 2dly, Ohferve, That there is nothing that Chriftians fhould more aim at, and endeavour more to be in the pra- ("lice of, than to be following that way whereby they may get their Confciences purged, and more particularly thefe who have had their Confciences again defiled, after that they were once purged : No man infe &ed with the botch or plague bath more need of cleanfino. from it, than the man whole Confcience is infected and defiled with the dead works of fin, needs to have it purged from them by the blood of Chrift. We (hall but very briefly (to make way for that which we would mainly be at) hint at two or three Obfervatïons from both thefe verfes now read, put together ; fri then, Ohferve, more efpecially from Chap. io. 22. That a Con - fcience not purged by the blood of Chrifl, is a very evil thing : Which we will find to be a very fad truth, if we confider the unpurged Confeience, either as 'tis awakned, or as it is not awakned, but afleep, which is ill both ways 'Tis ill, if it be awakned, and the terrors of God be frefh upon it ; who can exprefs, or adequately conceive the terriblenefs of fuch a cafe ? The fpirit of a man may fuftaiii his infirmity, and wreftie through many cro bear,