o zermon 2. reckoned free of the debt, as if it had never been contra. wed or owing, and as to any effe& that might in Iaw follow on it, to his prejudice : Juff fo is it here with the pinner,that flees to the blood of fprinkling; and the word, purging, fufficiently holds it out,efpecially when it is join- ed with coming with boldnefs and confidence to the throne of God : For,if it fhould be faid to fuch a finncr,How canif thou, how darff thou come to God with fuch confidence, that haft an ill Confcience through fo much fan ? He an- fwers, Let us draw near, or come, having our hearts fprin- kled from an evil Confcience ; fo that, as to a confident ap_ preaching to God, and application of Chrift's righteouf- nefs, perfons who have made application of the blood of fprinkling, may come to God with as much holy and hum- ble boldnefs, as if the Confcience had never been defiled and polluted ; and the experience of the faints, who in' this way have found peace and confidence, is a great evi- dence and confirmation of the truth of it. idly, (To come a little nearer) We may obferve in the negative, That there is no way for a man, that has once had his Confcience defiled and polluted with fin, to be cleanfed and purged from it, but by the blood of Chrift. If we look through this 9th Chapter from the beginning, and the following loth Chapter,we will find, that the apo- ftle's fcope is to prove, that it is not the blood of bulls, or of calves, nor any one, or all of thefe ceremonial fa- crifices, wafflings or purgations, that can do the buinefs ; as he more particularly cleareth, v. 9. of the 9 Chapter, where the apoftle infinuates, That, tho' God appointed many means and midfes of purgation, yet, if there had been no more but thefe, they could never have effè&ed the perfetling of a man, as pertaining to the Confcience ; 'tis only the blood of Jefus that bath this eft-eft : And this' one reafon will confirm it, viz. That there is no other thing but the blood of Chrift, that can fatisfy God's juftice, and remove the quarrel that is betwixt him and the guilty finner ; 'tis he only, in whom God is 'well pleafed ; he is ourpeace ; and there is no name under heaven given, whereby a (inner can be Paved, but the name of refus ; and, till God be fatisfied, the Confcience can- not be quiet. Seeing then that nothing can fatisfy God's puftice