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a the quarrel betwixt God and us, them is no reafoning nor evidence whatfoever, that will or can give a well - grounded peace to the Confcience ; confidering that the belt and molt difcerning men may be miltaken in their ap- plication of thefe evidences to us. Neither is it the end of conference, to be a ground of peace, when in the mean time there is no folic' courfe taken how to get our debt paid, and the juftice of God fatified : Our main, vea, our lira work would be, to betake ourfelves to the Cautioner, and to the blood of fprinkling, under the convietion and fenfe of fin and guilt ; and then we may profitably reafon ourfelves, and admit of the reafoning of others for help to quiet our Confcience ; and, unlefs there be aetual fleeing to Chrìf, aid to his blood, preceeding and going before words of comfort or direé$ ion fpoken, whether in private or in publick, this word of God declares them to be null and void as to any advantage to us. 4thly, Obferve, That when nothing can pacify an evil and defiled Confcience, nor purge it from dead works, the application of the blood of Chrif by faith can and will purge that Confcience, and give peace and quietnefs to it, with holy and humble confidence and boldnefs in coming and drawing near to God, as if in tome refpe& it had never been defiled by thefe dead works of fin, 'Tis the apoftle's great fcope and defign here, to prefs thefe two, which are the two brandies of the doctrine ; i fl, The fufficiency of Chrift's blood, as the price that fatisfies divine jufice, and quiets the Confcience : For, when the Confcience gets this blood applied to it by faith, it has no ground to crave any further fatisfa &ion, to the juftice of God, whofe deputy it is, as if force- thing were owing; that blood, as a full and condign price, fatisfies for all the debt : How much more (faith the apofile here) (ball the blood of Chrift purge your Confcience from dead works ? The zd Branch is that which followeth upon this, as a native ufe of it, That a believer, who bath fled to Jefus Chrift after the commit- ting of fin, and bath a&dually applied his blood to the Confcience, may have quietnefs in it, and go with bold- nefs and confidence to God, and may on this ground inaintain his peace in foams rcfpett, as if he had never