finned : So runs the apof le's lcope, if we look to the 19. ver. of chap. i o. and forward, Having therefore, bre. thren (faith he) boldnefs to enter into the holiefl by a new and living way,by the blood ofyefus,let us draw near with a true heart, in full afaurance of faith, having our hearts fprink- led from an evil Confcience, tho' it hath been polluted be- fore : This is one of the rareff pearls and deficit jewels of the gofpel, one of the excellenteff privileges of a belie- ver, and one of the nobleft and notableft exprefions and evidences of the grace of God ; and, withal, the great proof of the reality and efficacy of the fatïsfaEion of our bleffed Lord jefus, viz. That when the Confcience of the poor believer is confounded, and in a mannerr.pput on the rack with many challenges for fin, he may Ake ap- plication of Chrifl's blood, and on that ground have fweet peace and tranquillity of foul. For further clearing of this, we !hall, i. Lay down force grounds for its confirmation ; and then, 2. Make force ufe of it. As for the, fzrfl of them, to wit, forre grounds to confirm it, take thefe few flaortly, I. If, by the application of Chriíf's blood, there be folid peace made up betwixt God and the fanner, it will neceffarily follow, that the application of the blood of Chriff will purge the Confcience, and ought to be ground of peace and quietnefs to it: For (faith y'ohn, Epift. i. Chap. 3, 2o.) God is greater than the heart or Confcience ; and faith Paul, i Cor. 4.4. Though we know nothing by ourfelves, yet are we not hereby juflified, but be that judgeth us is the Lord : This is found reafoning, God hath nothing to fay, therefore the Confcience ought to be fatisfied : But it is clear, that, by the application of Chrifl's blood, folid peace is made up betwixt God anda fnner; as, Rom. 5. i Being just fled by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord yefus Chrifl : There is no (landing controverfy nor quarrel longer than by faith the blood of Ckrifl is fledl unto and applied, yohn 5. 25. He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that fent me, bath. everlafling life, and (hall not come into condemnation ; he Thall come to judg- ment to be abfolved, but not to be condemned : For (as it is, fivhn 3. 18.) He that believeth on him (ball not be con- demned; and Rom. S. z. There is therefore now vocon-