demnation to then: who are in Chrif1 : And, t rohn 5, it; He that loath the Son bath life, &c. This being the over - word of the gofpel, it will follow, that the Confcience of a poor finner,that is fled toChriff for refuge, hath good ground of peace, and that there is no ground to the Confcience tormentingly or anxioufly to challenge ; and this is indeed do fmall Matter, and yet no prefumption, after a linnet bath fled to Chriff, to quiet himfelf, and to be at peace on this ground. A fecond ground of confirmation is, the' xperience of all the faints recorded in the fcripture, af- ter their failings and fallings into fin: What hash quieted them, may alfo quiet us; for there is but one way of ma- king ,peace with God, and the taking of that way, works, as to the main, alike to all. Now, it is this way that bath quieted them, 'tis the fame faith in all, and alike precious faith in all, as to the kind, becaufe it bath the like precious fubffantial ef}è&s in all ; it is this therefore that muff give quietnefs and boldnefs to us : That which quieted them, was á look, an often renewed look, as guilt was of new contra&ed, through all thefe types and shadows to Chriff : All of them had their original and a &ual pollutions, whereby their Confcience was force way difquieted and defiled ; yet, through application of Chriff's blood, they wan to peace. Purge me (fáys Da- (yid, Pfal. 51.) with hyffcp, and f'hall be clean, &c. Ever when the Confcience was writing his libel, and he was under challenges for his guilt, he had the faith of his in- tereft, and attained peace through application of the blood of Chrift that was to come fignified by purging with hyjjop ; for that ground ffaunds fúre, which is laid down, hbis 13. 38, 39. Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgivenefs of fins. And by bim all that believe are jufiifzed from all things, from which ye could not be ju/lifaed by the law of Mofes. There is indeed (as if he had Paid) a large and long libel and indi&ment, that fin and the law and the Confcience have againff you; but, be it known unto you, that, through refus Chril, remifon of fins is reached unto you ; and that, through faith in him,ye are ju- ufifi'ed and freed from the challenges of the law, and from the terrors of juíiice, and of the Confcience, even from