from all things, from which ye could not be jufl ifled by the law of Mofes : Outward means and a miffaken law, Chrift being miskend and paff by, cannot give freedom ; but by Chrift Jefus ye may have freedom. A 3d ground of confirmation is taken from the eon- ideration of the excellency ofChriff Jefus, and the effica- cy of his blòòd : From the confederation of the excellen- cy pf the perfon, who fteps in and offers his blood for a ranfom, which being applied, the Confcience ought to be quiet; and fhould not (to fpeak fo) have a face to lay any thing to the believer's charge: And this is preft in thefe two fcriptures, on thefe grounds ; How much more (hall the blood of refus Chrifl, who through the eternal Spirit offered himfel f without to God, purge the Confcience ?.In which words we have three things to hold out the excellency of this facrifice ; i. The excellency of the facrifice itfelf : It is a facrifice without fpot. All thefe facrifices under the law were but types of this facrifice, and there was al- ways fomething to be faid of them which argued their imperfe &ion ; but no fuch thing can be laid of his, he was never polluted ; by his wonderful conception by the Holy Ghoft,, he was kept free from the leaft tinLure or touch of that pollution that all Adam's Eons and daugh- ters (the mother of the Lord not excepted) defcending from him by ordinary generation are defiled with, and fo was a facrifice, againft which fevere juflice had nothing to obje&, being molt exa&iy conform to the law of God, to the covenant of redemptiontranfa &ed betwixt Jehovah and the Mediator, on which this is mainly founded ; but he was completely fatisfied therewith, as we may fee, Pfal. 4o. 6, 7. where he is brought in faying, Sacrifice and offering thou didit not defire : All thefe things were re- jeEted, as having no equivalent value or worth in them for atoning and fatisfying provoked divine juflice ; as is clear from the beginning of the following i oth Chap. and downward, where the apoffle cites, improves ande applies the words of the 4o Pfalm; Then I faid, Lo,1 I come : In the volume of thy book it is written of me I delight to do thy will, O my God. And, faith he, v. io. By which will we are fanelif ed through the _ offering of the body of 5efus. The good will of God willing 5 filch