VT4 JO. V y 1it.. 11;41.441 1v LL 11 ; itwas united in his perfon, did add thereto fuCh a valuer; as inade it in this refpe& to be of infinite worth and value; and he was the Prieft in refpe& of both natures, as God Man and Mediator for !inners. Now, thefe three bein .,,put together, what imaginably can be more defired for quieting the Confcience than may be had,and is here? Efpe dally, if we ádd the nature of Chrift's offices, and his con - tinuance in them ; Having fuch a high Prieft over the houff, of God ; a Prie living for ever to make intercefon for alt that come to God by him ; let us draw near with full afs pance of faith : For he, who clothed himfelf with the vail of our fefh, 'lath torn the wail, and taken down the par- tition-wall that was betwixt God us ; and bÿ his fuf Brings bath made a new and living way to us through it into the ioly of holiest And from this that fweet word follows,which we have, i yam z. i. If any man fin, we have an advocate With the Father, refus Chrift the rigbteouà ; A high Prieft that hath offered himfelf in a facrifice to fatisfy divine juflice, and a high Prieft that lives for ever to interceeci for the application thereof: Hence allo moft comfortably follows, that he is able to fave to the uttermo/t, thefe that, come to God tbroùgh him ; Able to fave them from fin,from . wrath due for fin, from challenges for fin, from unbelief and difquietnefs of Confcience, and to give folid and per- fe6t peace. The fourth and laft ground of confirmati Which we íha11 name, is drawn from the confederation o the nature of the covenant of redemption, in the reality legality, efficacy and extent thereof in reference to fin tiers : If there be filch a covenant and pa&ion betwixt God and the Mediator, tranfa&ed (to fpeak fo) in the eternal counfel of the Godhead, wherein it is agreed that Chrift !hall come into the world, and take on the fins Of the ele &, who !hall ail in time, in due time, flee un- to him for refuge ; and that they, upon their fleeing .t4 him, Tall have their fins pardoned ; and that his fatis- ftt &ion shall be accepted för them as really as if they had: paid their own debt, and fatisfied juflice in their owr perlons; (had that been poffible) and if on this bargain wnd tranfaetion all his fuflerings are built ; then fure there, 5 in Chrif{'s death a tnoft folio and ill fcient ground of Z 2, pna cci