peace and quietnefs to the Confcience of a firmer that bath . fled to him, and clof:d with his fatisfa&ion, even as folid and fufficient as if he had paid the debt himfelf : For it were blafphemy to imagine fuch a covenant, fo laid down, and for fuch an end, and not to be moff real and effè&u- al for reaching the end ; this covenant being moll Pure, and this being the end of it, as it is z Cor. 5. ult. viz. To make him fin for us, who knew not n, that tae might be made the righteoufnefs of God in him. By the fame covenant and good -will of God, Father, Son and Spirit, concurring to lay down this way of falvation, Chrift was made fin for us, not againff his will, but with his will; for he was molt willing to undergo the work, as is clear from Pfal. 4o. compared with Heb. io. And this was the reafon, or rather end, for which he was made fin for us, even that we might be made the righteoufnefs of God in him; that, he being found the finner, and dealt with as the firmer, we might be declared righteous ; not as if we had never finned, but that, by imputation of his righteoufnefs, and God's gracious accepting of it for us, we are reckoned rfree, as if we had paid the debt ourfelves in our own perfons : And, if the covenant betwixt God and the Me- diator had a real effe& on Chrift Jefus the Cautibner; if lie really took on our nature, and in that nature fuffered and paid our debt ; if our iniquities in the punifhment of them did meet on him, as it is, Ifa. 53. g'he Lord laid on him the iniquities of us all; if he drank the bitter cup that we fhould have drunken, and fatisfied juflice for us Then lure the covenant muff have a real efeft on the other fide as to us and we have good and fufficient warrant to be- lieve that God will accept of that fatisfa &ion for believing. {inners, that lay hold thereon for making their peace; and that he will as really keep that, part of the bargain, viz. to make the application of Chrifl's fatisfa&tion forthcoming to them, as he did the other in exacîing that fatisfa&ion from him : As many as are now before the throne, are joyful witnefl`es, and glorious monuments of the reality of this part of the covenant ; and indeed there is no more legality (to fpeak fo) in the imputing of our fin to Chriff, than there is legality in imputing his righteoufnefs tó Us!