072 * e.. 9. 14.. ` ro. 2.2 g5 us, in giving us abfolution, and declaring us righteous . through him: For there was no ground for juftice to have any claim againft Chrift, but the will of God, and the covenant of redemption, wherein Chrift undertakes the the debt ; and there is no other ground for making his purchafe forthcoming to the finger, that by faith lays hold on him ; 'tis the fame bleffed defign that carrieson both parts of the bargain. And now, putting all thefe together, may we not molt confidently fay,That there is notably good ground for quieting of the Confcience of a finner, that by faith betakes hirnfelf to the blood of Chrift ? and that fuch a finner may with will - grounded confidence hope for, and certainly expe£i, pardon and abfolution, as if in fome refped he had never finned ? We cannot now infift to (peak to the cafes of this do-s arine ; only from this we may clearly fee, ifl, Howmuch finners are obliged to God, and to the Mediator Jefus Chrift ; and how poor, lorry and miferable a life, and how comfbrtlefs and curfed a death we fhould have had, if he had not laid down a way for purging the Confcience from dead works; even this excellent and wonderful way by his own moft precious blood : And therefore defiled and guilty finners would endeavour to make this doctrine very dearly welcome, as Paul loth, i Tim. r. 15. when,, in a tranfport of holy admiration, he cries, This is a faith ful Paying, worthy of ali acceptation, That Chrift came ints the wòrld to fave finners. O believers in Chrift, prize his grace highly, and blefs him heartily, even with all that is within you, that ever the thoughts of this way of relief for loft finners were in his ble ffed heart ! 2dly, Since it is molt certain, that naturally we all have evil Confci- ences through the debt of fin, and defilement of dead works ; and that, through the blood of Chrift, if if we flee to it by faith, and take hold of hisfatisfa &ion we may get our Confciences purged, and our debt as certainly paid as`any man's debt is, who bath in his char - ter -chift the difcharge of a fum he was once owing Then, let me befeech you,for the Lord's íàke,to make this your great work,to get the application of this blood made to your Consciences, and to have it on good grounds t lade lure, that ye have by faith made application of ir, h r that