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71-73 orrnv7a that ye may not live and die in a con je &ural and guel ing uncertainty about it. O how mightily momentuous and concerning to you, through all eternity, is it to have your defiled Confciences fprinkled with that blood ! If it be of concernment to you, to have accefs to lift up your heads with joy, and your faces with boldnefs in that day, when the hearts of many tháll fail them for fear of thofe thing, coming on them, and their knees (hall finite. one againft another, when their faces'íhall gather palenefs, and they shall weep and howl defperately without all hope ; then doubtlefs it is of your concernment, of your incomparably greatefl concernment, to get your Confciences fprinkled With this blood ; otherwife be affured, live as ye will, and die as ye may, this defiled, ill Confcience will cleave to you, as a girdle doth to the loins of a man, and it will yell and rare on you, with unconceivable terror and tor- ment : It will then be known and acknowledged.,_ by many, to their everlafling shame and lofs, and to their endlefs terror and torment, that there was a greatly con- cerning truth in this dat tine, roiz. That the only way how to get a defiled Confcience purged from dead works of fin, is by the blood of Jefus Chrift. °'° °`4* 414 414x°1* °4' A SERMON Ors Heb. Io. 22. Let us draw near with a true heart, in full afarance of faith, having our hearts fprinkled from an ova? Cpnfcience, and our bodies wafhed with pure water. He confident approaching of (inners to God, is the 'great deign of the manifeflation of his grace in the gofpel; and that they may boldly, tho humbly, draw near unto, and have communion with, him, is the great fruit of Chrift's purchafe. The apofile difcourfing here to thefe Hebrews, of the excellent advantages which they had in and by Jefus Chrift (whereof he gives a Mort fummary and abridgment, v. 19, zo, 2.) draws c a athctick exhortation by way of nclu .. r N No f > #I