defiroying angel; fo there is an efficacy in the blood of Jefus Chrift, to purge and pacify the Confcience of the perfon that in good earneft hath beliving recourfe to ir, to preferve him from the firoke of God's juftice ana. wrath, and from the purfuit and accufations of his own Confcience, I fay, when it is had recourfe to, a &ually applied and made ufe of, by faith. We cleared and confirmed thefe two do&rines, or two branches of the fame do&rine, the other day ; and now we come to the ufe of them, which is fourfold, 1ß, For information and dire&ion. achy, For the commen- dation of the bargain of free grace. 3d/y, For the con - folationof believers in Chrift. And, 4thly, for advertifc- ment and warning to others. For the first ufe, Ye may fee here a main leffon of the gafpel, and from this ye may hear glad and joyful ti- dings to a toffed and troubled finner, whole Confcience is purfàing him like an armed man ; nay, the Confcience is more terrible, when wakned, than any the greateff army of men : But, behold, here there is a way to win to peace under there toffings and troubles, and to calm in the midit of that terrible tempeft and form, to an efcape and deliverance from the hot purfuer and avenger of blood (as it were) a city of refuge to flee unto, even the blood of 7efus Cpri f , that ¡peaks better things than the blood of Abel; even that blood of fprinling, that (peaks peace when it is applied by faith. In profecution of this ufe, we (hall a little clear thefe three ; 1. What a finner, lying under the lathes of his Confcience, coming to this blood, may expe &. 2. How he may attain that which he may warantably exile &. 3. When he may and ought in a more efpecial manner to make ufe of it. As to thefirft, viz. What a Confcience-toffed and trou- bled firmer may expe &, by fleeing to the blood of Chrift ? God's rich and liberal allowance on him is, drawing near to him with full affurance of faith, coming to him with confidence and boldiiefs, as a Father, in all his worthip, addreffes and applications. The meaning is nor, that the firmer, under a guarrel,fleeing to this blood, bath no ground of humiliation and repentance for fln, nor chî'