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kìrf covenant ; becaufe the blood of Chrift, applied by faith, giveth as real, jut' and legal a right to the promifes of the covenant of grace, as .Edam had to the promiff of life by the covenant of works. The condition of that covenant, viz. perfc& holinefs and obedience, is fulfilled by Chrift, in our name and room. 3. That the fprinkling of the Confcience by the blood of Chrift, giveth the believer a well- grounded hope of heaven, of eternal life, and of glory, even of all things that are contained in thepromifes : Therefore, Heb 6. i I. the apoftle exhorts Chriftians thus, Shew forth the fame dili- gence to the full agurance of hope to the end, and be followers of them, who through faith and patience have inherited the promifes. The lively application of faith to Chrifl's blood, reaches to the full aurance of the hope of all that is con- tained in the promife : And if the promife be a folid an firm ground, and if faith lean really and ffrongly to itR hope may well expo& the great things in it. q.. The believer, who hath his Confcience fprinkled, with this blood, may expe& full and thorow publication of abfolution and juftification in the court, and before the . tribunal, of God, at the day of judgment, as the divine hi- ftorian Oyes ground of hope, _lots 3. 19, and in the court of the word, and of his own Confcience, here in this life : hie bath ground, with the apoftle, Rom. S. to fay, nay tri- umphantly to báaft, and bid an eternal defiance to all that would offer at it, Who ,(ball lay any thing to the charge of Ged's ele l ? It is God that jufti fees, who is he that condem neth ? He may fay, that indeed he was owing, and a de- btor once; but they cannot crave payment of,and fatisfaEi on for, the. debt from him now, becaufe by the blood of Chrift he is acquit : For it is Chrift who bath died, yea ra- ther is rifen again, who is at the right-hand of God making intercef on for us. The believing ele6t, making the right ufe of this blood, of this moft precious blood of Jefus Chrift, may humbly and confidently expect all thefe things from and by ir. O great and glorious expectation ! As for the 24 thing, How, or after what manner, or by what means, this unfpeakably excellent privilege of drawing near with full affurance of faith, with holy bold - efa and confidence to obtain all thefe great things may _ _ tie