Iiavra be attained and win at ? It is anfwered in the words go- ing a little before, Having therefore boldnefs to enter into the holief by the blood of j efus, let us draw near, &c. 'Tis fuppofed, III, That there be a fleeing to Chrift for fatis- lying of divine juftice. zdly, That application be made to him, for purging, pacifying and fatisfying the Confci- ence ; for it is with the Confcience in this cafe, as it is with the fea after a great form, which, after the ceafing of the form, will for fume time have its waves much toffed, and be in great agitation ; fo, after divine juffice is pacified and calmed (to fpeak fo) by the foul's flee- ing to Chrift for fatisfying thereof, there may remain ffill for a while (fl:orter or longer, as he thall think fit) forne raging, as it were, fome trouble, toffing and agitation in the Confcience of the believer; as we may fee in that inftance of David, who, after the prophet Nathan had made intimation of pardon to him, yet is ffill in con - fiderable difquiet and agitation of his Confcience, as the 51. Pfal. gives us an account. Now, as for the attain- ing of calmnefs, tranquillity and peace to the Confcience, we would fay, That whatever is neceflfry and requifite in the application of Chrift's righteoufnefs, for making of our peace with God, the fame is needful to calm and give peace to the Confcience. What is that ? will ye fay. See Rom. 4. 5. To him that wo keth not, but believeth on him who juflifìeth the ungodly, his faith is counted for nigh teoufnefs ; which, being joined with the words in the text, lays, that the way to this peace and calmnefs is, tf, Not for perlons to íhift or refute their debt, but to take with ir. zdly, To renounce and difclaim all poftìbi- lity to fatisfy divine juffice themfelves. idly, To flee to fetus Chrift, and, through vertue of his fatisfadion and blood, and the covenant of his grace, to reff on him for pardon ; `Io believe on him (rho' forneway ungodly) who juflfezh the ungodly: For it is not enough to take with our debt, and to quit and renounce the covenant of works, except we a&ually ref on Chrift, by verrue of the covenant of grace. This is it which the apoftle hold- eth forth, Philip. ;. 9. where he fays, That I may be found in him, not having mine own righteoujnefs which 13 of the law, but that .:chic is through the faith of Chrift. He