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Ie fuppofeth justice to tie punning him, and that no- thing he can do for himfelf, will divert juftice its purfuit, nor fecure him againft it ; that he is a loft and gone man in himfelf: He refls not on the difcovery of his loft eftate, but leeks to be found in him, not having his cwn righteoufnefs which is by the law, but the righteoufnef which is by faith in hire. This is the ground that gives peace with God, and fhould quiet the Conlcience : But, when the finner path taken this way, if the Confcience be not yet quieted and calmed, there is fomething further neceffary; as, VI, The a &ual renewing of that appli- cation to Chrift, to get not fo much a new pardon, as a new extra& of that pardon, which he received in his firft fleeing to Chrift, that, by this renewed application of faith to the blood of fprinkling, he may alfo quiet the Conicience : So that, when the man is fled to Chrift, and at peace with God, if he have not peace in his Confci- ence, be is to cart a renewed look to they promife, and to a &jfaith of new on Chrifl's blood; to hold forth as it were unto, and to lay it before, his Confcience, taking with his fin, yet holding Rill by it, that he is fled to Chrift ; and, on that ground, making ufe of the promife, for the renewed pardon of fin through his blood. In this re- fpe&, faith is called (Eph. 6. i 6.) a fhield ; Take un- to you (faith the apofile) the fhield of faith, whereby ye array quench all the fiery darts of the devil. When the chal- lenge is cart in on the Confcience, it (as it were) burns the believer, even as a fiery or poifoned dart thrown into a man's body burns and inflames it : But faith goes to the fountain of Chrift's blood, to the covenant and promifes, and draws out of thefe wells of falvatiorz bucketfuls (as it were) to quench it ; or, when a chal- lenge comes in backed with temptation, it makes ufe of the promife, and blood of Chrift, to anfwer it : And fo faith is as a Shield or targe to keep the dart, and beat it back ; it makes the believer fay, I cannot fatisfy for this fin ; but here is a promife of pardon to the man that is fled to Chrift, and to the blood of fprinkling, as I am, and makes ufe of Chrift in the promife, for renewed in- timation of pardon, or for renewed pardon, as new guilt is contr'av`ted. And thus he is kept quiet, that