)VV .ff 301 777073 the challenge wins not in fo far, nor goeth fo deep, as Ping him in his vital parts (to ]weak fo) The heart of his peace and quietnefs is kept í1.ill alive, tho' he be iti quick and fharp exercife under the challenge. 2d1y Becaufe challenges will not loon nor eafily be got remo ved, nor the Confcience quickly and without difficulty talmed,as we fee in that fore mentioned inftance of Da- vid, Pfal. 51. There is need therefore of continuing in the fight, and of drawing conciufions from folid and undeniable predniffes and grounds, to quiet the Confcience, and ward off challenges, fo as they may not wound and quite marr peace : as Paul Both, Roin. 8. z, 2.. It might have been faid to him, Thou haft been complaining of a. Cody of death, and that with thy flep thou ferveft the law or fin ; and, is not that a grievous challenge againft thee ? It is true (as if he laid) But there is no condemnation to them that are in Cl r fl, that is the making ufe aright of the targe or fhield of faith. But, to put the matter out Of doubt; he goes on, and fubfumes, and draws the con- clufion ; (for the words are applicative to hiinfelf, and 1poken with a cònfiderable regard to his own particular exercife, let down, Chat. j.) I, by faith, am fled to' Chrift for refuge, and fo am in Chrift, and therefore there is no condemnation to me. And indeed, when- ever challenges come in from fenfe, and Confcience puê thorough- other, or mingled together (as it were) blowri tipon by temptation, which will purfue the believer hard- ly ; 'tis needful to reafon from the grounds of faith, to- ward off the blow, and to quiet the Confcience : And this, tho' it be a reflex of of faith, which does not juftify, yet ferves to reafon the Corfcience into peace and calm- nefs ; and there is need of faith aging thus reflexly, tho' not (as I Paid) to juftify, yet to bring home the peace and comfort of juftification, and renewed extras and intimations of pardon. ;dly, 'Tis neceffary that belie-- vers quiet thernfelves pofitively, by comforting and con- firming themfelves in the faith of what the promife fpeaks, and in the hope of what they have to expe& : The dif. ference betwixt the former and this is, that in the former We draw home anfwers from the grounds of faith to ward Of the dint and bitternefs of challenges ; but that is not e n'