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enough through to calm and fettle the foul : Therefo e , Y the latter is alto needful, that the foul pofitively draw irti peace and confolation to itfelf by believing, which (as it is, Phil. 4 ) is able to guard the heart and mind through? Chrift ` efus. And we conceive this to be David's exer- çife, Pfal. 51. where, by exercifing his faith on the pro - mifes, and on the blood of the Meffiah to be ïhed, and by wreftling for the intimation of pardon and peace, he la- bours, not only to get his Confcience calmed, but even filled with confolation: And,becaufe the promifes are often Tome- what werth and taftelefs (to fay fo) if not feafoned and quiekned by God's voice going along with them, and put tang favour and life in them (this is the voice of joy and gladnefs which he would fo fain hear) therefore the be liever infifts with God thus to befprinkle his Confcience and, as he looks to the righteoufinefs and blood of Chrift for juftification, fo he looks to it for calming of the Confci- ence: And this is in effect to be beholden to free grace, a.g for pardon of fm, fo for peace and calmnefs of Confcience.; without which any other thing will not do the turn. As for the 3d thing propofèd to be fpoken of, viz. the times or kaftans, or the cafes wherein the believer may, and ought, in a fpecial manner, to make ufe of his liber- ty and boldnefs, in drawing near with full affurance of faith. There is no queftion, but a believer, who bath made ufe of Chrift for pardon of fin and juftification, may alto, and íhould, make ufe of him and his blood for the fprinkling his Confcience, that he may come to God with boldnefs and confidence ; and there is no cafe wherein a believer may not aim at this : But, more efpecially, he íhould, in thefe cafes, as, ifl, when he is fallen into more grofs guilt, as David was, Pfal. 51. 2dly, When that grofs guilt, and grievous finning, is waited with great aggravations; as in that Pf. David's fin is aggravated migh- tily by him, and yet he makes application to Chrift over' all that guilt, and all thefe aggravations of his guilt. idly, When the believer hath through his folly relapfed in fan ; which is not fpoken to give a liberty to fin, God forbid ! wo to them that make fo cuffed an ufe of filch bleffed do&Yrine ; but to the cotnñaendation of God's free grace; std of the worth and efkacy of Chritt's blood, and for the 1 I