'470 A Se;'mon fprinkling, which may alto mightily encourage the belié- ver to ftep forward : In profecuting whereof, I (hall, tft, fpeak a word to the efficacy of this 'Mood of fprinkling. And then, 2d/y, A word to the neceffity of it, as to us. For the frig, to wit, the excellency and efficacy of ir; ir may be Peen in thefe four, VI, In the noble and notable effeEs that it produceth, or that come by it, even all the great things contained in the promifes touched on beföre; fuch as pardon of fin, grace to fubdue ir, friendfhip and peace with God, fellowfhip with him, conformity to him, the hope of heaven and gloat, the fweet ferehity, tran- quillity and peace of the Confcience ; tis as a hiding-place from the wind and rain, and a covert from the ftorm, yea, even as the thadow of a great rock in the midfl of a weary land: When the foul, forely beaten with the florin of challenges, and of the apprehenfions of wrath, comes un- der the Il;adöw and shelter of this, it prefently finds eafe and repofe. What (hall I fay ? what can I fay ? words here may be fwalio a ed up,from this proceed all the glori- ous privileges of the people of God, poffeffed and ex- peaed, in hand and in hope. idly, Its excellency and efficacy appears in this, that it bath procured thefe things to firmer!, to them that had an unclean and polluted Confcience : For, who is it, I pray, that may thus draw near to God with full affurance of faith ? It is not fuch as never had an evil Confcience, but fuch as, having an evil Confcience, flee unto this blood, and get it fprinkled therewith ; 'tis thefe who had their Confciences defiled with dead works, and came to it, and got them purged from thefe dead works. ;dly, The excellency and efficacy of it fhines forth in the tendernefs of the perfon that applies the remedy to fuch a lothfom ficknefs, and otherwife incu- Table defeafe, or by any other hand but Chrifi's : -lav- ing (faith the apoflle) fuch an high PriefI over the houfe of God, let us draw near. The phyfician is J`efus Chrift him - felf, his blood is the cure, and he allo is the applier of the cure ; and O how very tender, dexterous and Limpathizing is he ! He even excells in filch cures to ad- tniration :e is a high Priefl that is holy, harmlefs, un defled, feparate from finners and highèr iban the heavens leg